The Rise of JAMstack 

JAMstack has proven increasingly popular among developers over the past few years, with static sites becoming more commonplace since around 2015. As web design began to place higher importance on the developer experience, the term JAMstack was formed and has been gaining traction among the industry ever since. What’s behind that trend, and is it set to continue?


7 Deadly ☠️ Sins of OKRs 🎯 

Are you implementing Objectives and Key Results across your company and don’t want your colleagues to feel frustrated after the first couple of few weeks?


Running .NET Core 3 XUnit Code Coverage in AppVeyor Using OpenCover and Codecov 

I love AppVeyor. It's my go-to CI/CD service for .NET projects. I use it for both personal and work open-source projects. I also love automation of all kinds so, among other things, I want my test coverage reports to be automatically generated with every build.


Building A Culture of Relationships That Persist 

What does it take to build a flourishing company culture? And how to recognize one? Real-world examples of good and bad habits, substantial and irrelevant indicators.
